An unnamed young man calling himself Crow (クロウ, Kurō) is a Shadow Knight and named after his armor; he is titled as Crow the Phantom Knight. He's the only known knight that has a flight-capable armor and partnered with Raiga Saejima during the events of The Makai Flower and Moonbow Traveler.
Befitting his status as a member of Shadow Knights which in turn, part of Makai Order's Shadowfolk, Crow is a bit more silent and observant as well as rather aloof and rarely smiles in stark contrast of Raiga. Despite this, he respects status and authority since he apologizes to the latest Golden Knight every time he overstepped his bounds. Deep down, he envied the latter for his outwardly cheerful attitude, something Eyrith exploited as the way to mind-control him until Raiga helped him breaking free by revealing his own insecurities. Crow is also very confident in his abilities as a Makai Knight, often brushing other's criticisms in his fighting and backing them up.
Crow started off as the apprentice of Eiji Busujima before excelling his teacher's expectations and becoming a stealthy Makai Knight who serves in the western White region. When the Ady Slate's seal was undone, Crow is assigned to assist Raiga as the museum that held the slate was within his jurisdiction. In time, Crow began to open up a bit to Raiga and Mayuri as the three of them hunt down the Ady Slate Horrors. In his spare time, Crow locates and dispels Inga Gates during the daytime without anyone's knowledge.
Following the aftermath of the fight against Eyrith, it is hinted that Crow temporarily assumes the leadership of the Phantom Makai Knight during Eiji's incarceration for being the mastermind behind the crisis all along.
- Makai Knight Training: Crow is a skilled Makai Knight, trained in the way of the Phantom Makai Knight's that resembles ninjutsu.
- Orva: Crow's Madōgu who serves as a Horror detector and advisor.
- Enzan (円参 ): Madou Shurikens with magical powers. Aside from pinning/incapacitating targets, the shuriken can act as Orva's extension to scout the area and enhance his Makai Blades' damage.
- Geneiken (幻影剣, Phantom Sword): A chokutō-styled Makai Blade and Crow's main weapon. He can summon his armor with it.
- Crow Armor: Unlike other Makai Knights, Crow's Makai armor is capable of flight at the cost of using twenty seconds when activating that feature. Due to the inherent risk of his armor lifting during aerial combat, Crow had only used the flight feature twice. The wolf ear part of his helm is capable of folding downwards to serve as visors.
- Madō Lighter: Crow possesses a Madō Lighter to expose Horrors, but rarely uses it.
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